Thursday, December 15, 2011


More essays by my grade 3 students. ^_^

   If I could have a superpower, I will do soccer player. Also I want to rescue some people.
   I will make thousands of goal. Then, Korea will win. But I think the goal net will be ripped. Also,I will get a prize by rescue some people.
   But if I could have a superpower, I will do soccer player. And rescue some people.
(Hahaaaaa I love the afterthought... "oh, and rescue some people." :D He actually added that in after submitting it the first time.)


   If I have superpower, I will go to the moon. If I am at the moon, I could see a Earth. Than I will pick up the Earth! Everyone in the Earth exept me, they might think there is Earthpuake. It is kind of danerous. But it will be a good memories for me.
   Also, I will be on the newspaper or TV. And if I pick up the Earth very softly and quetly, it dosen't matter to the Earth people. But I don't wan't to. Because that means I miss a good chance. I want to be famous. A superpower hero.
   If I am famous, people will give me a money to. And I will be a rich. Daisy. Or Seong hye min, my Korean name will be in a newspaper. What a fun thing! It is only my think and dream, but I wish one day, that will be real.
(Hmm, endanger the lives of all human beings, or miss out on making a good memory.  It's a tough call.)

If I could have one super power, I want to read other person's thinking.  I want to get this superpower because I want to know that who think god or bad, also in test time, I can read other children's think and I can copy that and write in test peaper. And it will change I get all the test 100%.I will get many praised!!!!!But my mom will be angry that I copy the test.That's okay for me!
(Ohhhhhh dear..... ;) )

My super power is to go to "Yong Pyong"
My super power is when i go to yong pyong, i can sleep many times,and i can play many times,and i can go swimming pool,and i can ride some bike,and i can do lots of things.
I like my super power, because i can do lots of things.
When my life change to my power, than i am so Happy!i can play everyday!!!!!
(Wow, don't dream TOO big now, Stella... ;) )

       If i can have one super power, I will have  wings. I will fly with those wings. I will travel other countries. I want to have wings because  I want go fast. Then I can have many time to play.
      If i have wings, I will reduce money. Then I can help people. So I want to make there is no poor person.
      I will meet the bird,too.Then the bird will be frighten.
(Trust a Korean kid to associate having wings with "reducing money." ;) )

My super power will be making the money.It will make a 1000\.Then i will be rich.Then my life will change.It will be happy.Then i can it cake many.And i can help the people. Then i buy many toys.And then i will buy big biulding for my parents.Then i will eat meat very much.Then l will buy my computer.I will happy.
(Highlight is his.  Wow, someone's got great priorities in life. ;) )

I have a superpower and I help a many peoples.I am very heavy things go get to home. I fight a very bad person and I call to police officer.I do a resling and I get a trophies and resling belt and I do soccer with my friend.
(Annnd this kid has been at our English school since Kindergarten. Aigoo.)

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